October 4, 2019 Saloni Piplani

5 Effective Email Marketing Strategies, Backed by Data

Welcome to the world of email marketing!

Email marketing has been around forever and for a good reason. It’s the most direct and effective way to connect with your leads, nurture them, and turn them into customers.

Email can be an incredibly powerful driver of conversions for websites, according to a 2019 report from Barilliance.

Are you ready to commit to email marketing? If you’re unsure, you may want to read our guide on email marketing strategies.

Let’s discuss why it’s vital that your organization enact a dedicated email marketing strategy.

An email marketing strategy is something your company should not only want; it is something your company needs. Look at it as an investment to help future-proof your business.

When you want to communicate something about your brand or sell your product, email marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to do so.

Before we dive into how you can develop an email marketing plan, it is essential first as a business to have the right digital architecture in place brand. In case you haven’t built the right foundation, then even the most robust email marketing plan won’t help you find success.

When it comes to B2B email marketing, blogs and social media are winning more substantial and more significant portions of the marketing budgets. Email marketing remains an essential and cost-effective solution.

Useful Emails are all about the quality of the content you deliver to your audience. Content creation is more straightforward when we understand our business personas, as the perceived value of your content will differ between prospects.

How does one effectively communicate with this B2B audience via email marketing so that they fall in love with your solutions?

Let us look at some essential email marketing strategies for your business.

1. Know what businesses to target

The first step is to understand your target audience to create a result-oriented email marketing plan.


When marketing in the B2B sector, you need to get to the core challenges your prospects face in their day-to-day. Doing so allows you to approach the right business entities, and also gives you the clarity to improve your offerings.

Your target market may be small, but as long as your business can provide solutions that work, you will see email marketing campaigns thrive.

Learn as much as you can about your target market so that you’re able to deliver products and services that match their needs. The idea is to connect with your target businesses and learn which one of them would work in your best interest.

2. Go Beyond One Email

As an email marketer one needs to understand that not every mail is going to result in a customer. Rather it’s all about qualifying your prospect and expose them to your offer in more than one way via email.

The rule gets even stronger if you are a B2B company as the purchases often require a more significant investment when compared to B2C. So you will not find customers buying your product or service on pure impulse.

As a B2B email marketer, you will have to work hard to make a favorable impression on other businesses and educate them at each step.

Your campaign needs to contain multiple emails spread across an extended period, depending on the type of service you offer and how big of an investment it requires.

3. Personalize your mails

By tailoring your email messages according to your prospects’ profiles and behaviors, you increase the potential for engagement.

Although email templates can create an excellent starting point for your email copy, avoid following them. The audience can easily recognize a templatized cold email template.


Instead, write a message that focuses on the pain points of your target buyer. Quickly identify the key selling features of your offer and how it benefits the reader in a particular way.

Leverage personalization tokens such as name and company name to get additional control over the database. You can create the feeling of a one-to-one message that is much more likely to get noticed in their inbox. It’s better to keep the details of your message more specific and your solutions unique.

Here is the example of email personalization by Amazon!

The takeaway here is that if you are to use personalization as an email strategy, do so in a meaningful way. It takes little knowledge or relationship to place someone’s name in your greeting. It shows far greater care to send personalized email that is specific to a recipient’s needs and history.

To Amazon, email marketing is not just another marketing channel. It’s key to the overall customer experience.

4. Educate more and sell less

Email marketing works great when you focus on creating and sending content that educates rather than pushing a direct offer that entices to buy or try your service.

Your recipient will be in a better buying position if you tell them about your service or the problem it solves via email, before moving on to the selling part.

B2B recipients are more careful about investing in the right product or service. Therefore we inform them about the options they have and offer them more clarity with the help of useful content. They want to consume content that is engaging and riveting at the same time.

So when you find and create content that conveys your message creatively, you win.

5. Send mobile friendly emails

What do you do as soon as you wake up in the morning?

Yes, you have your phone next to your bed and the first thing you do each morning is to check your phone for calls, messages, and emails.


Recent data from Litmus reveals that mobiles are more popular email reading devices than any other.
Litmus data shows that 43% of email opens occur on mobile devices.

Which brings us to the following conclusion:

If users are more likely to open the email on mobile, and we know that opened emails convert at a higher rate than those that go unopened. Thus it would make more sense to prioritize the mobile experience when designing emails.

When you write a copy for mobile-friendly emails, it’s crucial to keep it short and concise. This makes it easy for the reader to digest the text and understand the action they should take.

The emails that you send out should reflect your values and simultaneously show your B2B recipients that you have done your homework. Let them know that you know the kind of problems they’re facing and how your product/service can help them.

If you implement these new changes into your email marketing strategy, you will be able to connect, collaborate, and grow your business.

Once done with a solid email marketing strategy for your company, take out time, and assess your email marketing strategy and improve it from time to time. It will help you survive, where your competitors failed.