August 14, 2018 Amjad Desai

Google Lengthens its Ad Content with more characters to Text Ads

With all the updates going on in the social media networks, why should Google stay behind? The search engine company will provide marketers with the chance to add three headlines and two ad descriptions for their responsive text ads, starting in late August.

Early in September 2018, we’d also see Google rolling out its responsive search ads in English, French, German and Spanish. The ad descriptions will now offer more room for content marketers to play with. Up to 90 character descriptions will now be allowed in the responsive text ads compared to the current 80-character limit. Besides, a third headline can be used to give extra details on discounts and special offers on a product or service.

Last month, the company announced Google Responsive Search Ads at Marketing Live to emphasize how automation and machine learning will support the ads. The search engine giant further talked about how they have been testing their responsive ads in the early months of 2018 and will pan out these ad updates over the next couple of months.

The text ads are following suit. Three headlines of 30 characters each and two descriptions of 90 characters each is the new limit for Text Ads.

One static AD text will enable marketers to write up to 15 headlines and four descriptions. The automation will further help to add a headline that complements the description as it would come up with combinations of captions and specifications for the marketer. This will be based on the top performing combinations. Now for headlines, creatives, targeting and more, Google will leverage automation and machine learning.

“While we work on improving responsive search ads across languages, it’s important to extend that same advantage to your existing text ads. That’s why, starting in late August, you’ll be able to add a third headline and second description to your text ads,” Google declared in one of their blog posts.

Initially, the text ads were called Expanded Text Ads that had rolled out in July 2016. These ads allowed for two headlines with 30 characters each and increased the length of the description as well. Since then, Google has been updating their efforts at optimizing campaigns in real time with machine learning and longer, better ads. They have urged advertisers to push their limits and to add three to five ads to their ad groups. Their recent blog post on effective text ads enables users with better control over their ads using machine learning algorithms.

Amjad Desai

I’m a friendly digital marketing consultant from India, living in UAE. You’ll usually find me talking about productivity, marketing, social media, technology, automation, and life in general. I run Synclarity along with a friend. We’re a inbound digital marketing agency that help businesses deliver measurable results