October 9, 2019 Amjad Desai

The Secret to Publish more Content – Document; Don’t Create!

Content marketing is on the rise like never before.  it is necessary to show up i.e. produce more content pieces in order to be noticed by the audience. You have to put out at least one Podcast/ YouTube vlog or a long-type blog series in a week on social media, and minimum 4-5 stories in a day!

Does that mean that the “content thinkers” have to create 6-7 meaningful things in a day?

Well, here’s the trick- Document, don’t create.

It is important to make a note that ‘Document’ does not mean ‘not create’ content. It just means to create a version that is predicated more on practicality instead of having to think of stories or fantasy—something that is more challenging and consumes more time.

Would you rather ponder about the strategy behind every post and fabricate yourself into this “influential person”… or just be yourself!

Habit by Stephen Covey states: When people know what you believe in, what you stand for and where you are going then they can get into a position to provide feedback and support.

The other benefit of documenting is that people and members of your organization can keep you accountable for it. This can foster a culture of asking hard questions.

If the record is set straight — document it! Stay on the offensive, and recognize small problems before they become big problems.

E.g.- To build the tallest building with everyone requires a supportive culture. Conversely, a culture of “CYA — Cover Your Ass” and Blame-Game is a culture to have the tallest building because all others were torn down.

The latter culture emerges when documentation has been sacrificed to meet deadlines and targets. Defensive mindsets take over, solutions are created for low-value pithy problems and the company fails to improve.

For businesses, documentation is an important asset.

  • Employees execute on the documented procedures.
  • Managers report and mentor based on documented business processes and best practices.
  • Executives document strategy, visions and objectives.
  • Project teams implement and document change.

Journey of Documentation

One of the errors committed by content creators is that they often try to ‘oversell’ their brand, as they think that’s what grabs the audience’s attention. Whether you’re a business coach or a motivational speaker or an artist, I think it’s much more fruitful to talk about your “process” than about the actual advice you think you should give them.

To document your journey, in simple words means to display the procedure of your creation. So now, when you put out those 4-5 meaningful stories, all you can do is open your Instagram Live and just talk about things that are important to you; because in the end, creativity level is going to be subjective. What’s not subjective is the fact that you need to start putting yourself out there and keep swinging.

Happy Documenting!

Amjad Desai

I’m a friendly digital marketing consultant from India, living in UAE. You’ll usually find me talking about productivity, marketing, social media, technology, automation, and life in general. I run Synclarity along with a friend. We’re a inbound digital marketing agency that help businesses deliver measurable results