August 13, 2019 Amjad Desai

Influencer Marketing

People do not buy goods and services; they buy relations, stories and magic. And as marketers we are actively focusing on how to achieve these KPI’s for brands.

The bottom line of all marketing is to achieve a good number of ‘word of mouth’.

Thanks to social media platforms like Instagram, Youtube – enough number of creators have a good following that are interested in their day-to-day. In case your product/ brand/ service can fit into the creators life you got a match!

This is Influencer Marketing. 

This is a more easier way to induce a word of mouth effect. Think of it – rather than waiting for a good amount of time for someone to discover your product and say yes! THIS IS IT! 

Let’s look at what you need to know about influencer marketing.

Initially, celebrity endorsements were the only form of influencer marketing. But in today’s digital world, social content creators with niche audiences can often offer more value to brands.

These people have dedicated and engaged groups of followers on social media. They are simply known as “social media influencers.”


Today there is nothing more valuable than your audience.

Whether it’s for boosting the digital footprint or building awareness for a new product, brands are intertwining influencers into their marketing strategy

The main focus of influencer marketing is to identify the influencers in your niche and make them work for you by promoting your brand. There is no meaning if your brand doesn’t connect with the right audience in a relevant way.

When an influencer refers your brand to their audience, there is a strong likelihood that users land on your site with the intent to purchase.

Before visiting your site they have seen a social media post or read a blog that highlights the benefits of your product. And the main factor is that it’s promoted by someone they trust.

Facebook, Youtube and Instagram are the top choices when it comes to social media Influencer marketing.

Facebook users are people who enjoy talking to like-minded people about common interests. They also like to share product information and recommendations with like-minded people. They do their social networking along with social shopping.

A survey found that 34% of daily U.S. Instagram users bought something because a blogger or influencer recommended it.

Instagram is the platform of choice for social influencers. 89% of marketers identify it as one of the most important channels for influencer marketing.


Even Twitter is launching a new initiative to help connect brands with influencers and creators. Twitter ArtHouse will involve a global team of content strategists, digital producers and influencer marketing specialists and offer video editing and live broadcasting services.

Are you considering investing in influencer marketing this year?

Take inspiration from these real-life examples:

Amjad Desai

I’m a friendly digital marketing consultant from India, living in UAE. You’ll usually find me talking about productivity, marketing, social media, technology, automation, and life in general. I run Synclarity along with a friend. We’re a inbound digital marketing agency that help businesses deliver measurable results