June 22, 2019 Amjad Desai

Facebook extends the algorithm changes to predict & prioritize pages, groups you care about the most

If you are into Facebook marketing, one thing you need to understand and stay updated about is the Facebook algorithm.

The Facebook algorithm helps make sense of the numerous posts that people and businesses share every day and picks out what to show on our News Feed or groups based on a large number of factors.

Facebook constantly brings new changes to its algorithm to give users their time’s worth. Recently, they announced their updated version with two major changes that prioritize friends you might want to hear from and the links you might consider worth watching. This update extends and adds groups and pages to it.

Facebook recently stated in its blog,” We know that friends are not the only reason people come to Facebook. Many people come to see the latest from the Pages they follow and the groups they are a part of. In addition to surveying people by asking them which friends they were closest to, we started two additional surveys asking people 1) how interested they are in content from a specific Page they follow, and 2) how important a specific group they’ve joined is to them.”


This update was specially made for people to connect them with pages and groups that they care about. Facebook uses survey results to prioritize the Pages and groups. Few of the indicators of how important a Page or group includes how long someone has followed a Page or been a part of a group; how often someone engages with a Page or group; and how often a Page or group posts.

These changes don’t mean that you will only see posts from Pages and Groups, it means that you would see posts from these Pages and Groups higher up in the feed.

In context to this update, Facebook mentioned that they would be updating their prediction models on a timely basis.

Amjad Desai

I’m a friendly digital marketing consultant from India, living in UAE. You’ll usually find me talking about productivity, marketing, social media, technology, automation, and life in general. I run Synclarity along with a friend. We’re a inbound digital marketing agency that help businesses deliver measurable results