July 5, 2019 Amjad Desai

LinkedIn Marketing Strategies : 2019 Edition

LinkedIn remains the #1 social media platform for professionals to connect, engage, to grow their business and brand.

LinkedIn has transformed so much as a platform. Years ago, it used to just be for job seekers. People would post resumes, and only connect with people they knew and no one else.

Now, it’s become more of a content platform.

It hosts a community of more than 575 million professionals around the globe. No matter who your B2B customers are, they are almost certainly on the platform. With more than 500 million users present on LinkedIn, of which, 61 million users are senior-level influencers, 40 million users are decision makers and around 7 million users are C-level executives, it is without a doubt a B2B marketer’s dream. Hence it becomes more crucial for any business to have a marketing strategy for LinkedIn.

This article talks about LinkedIn marketing strategies and ideas to grow followers and get actual business results for your organization.

So, let’s begin!

1. Write articles on LinkedIn


LinkedIn articles can generate thought-leadership. One of the main features of LinkedIn is the ability to publish articles that one can share on their page. You have the freedom to write whatever you want, whenever you want. It can be about your experiences, your knowledge in an area, or a professional opinion you would like to express. Writing these articles is important for your personal brand. By writing a piece that is unique to you and your business, you create a personal brand. Your words become attached to your job and then promote your business. Writing and publishing regularly creates an online presence for your business.

2. Add most relevant comments on trending topics

Like most social media platforms, it is all about community and engagement. No wonder, connections are formed in the comments section for most social posts. Don’t believe us, check any trending YouTube video and go through the comments section where actual debates are on.! Comments literally make content that lead to great post ideas!


Find top performing posts in your space by searching relevant hashtags or looking at “top posts” in your area — and add your opinion in the comments. By putting yourself out there to have a conversation with your audience, where they can post questions and make comments that you can use to create relevant content closely tied to their interests, questions and needs.

3. Add your LinkedIn profile link to Email Signature

In case if you have published an article on linkedIn and you don’t get any likes or shares in spite of having many followers, but you connect very well with people through emails then this hack is for you!
Add your LinkedIn profile to your signature!


It’s a quick way to get more exposure to your LinkedIn profile and get more followers. As you get more and more connections, it could be the match that starts the process of your content getting higher reach.

4. Use LinkedIn to host in-person events

Hosting in personal events especially if you are in B2B then that is recommended.

People in B2B recognize how valuable it can be to host conferences or workshops to get leads and clients – but many don’t consider the value of hosting smaller events.


If you host a small event with attendees that match the type of clients that you want to get, you’ll put yourself in a disproportionate advantage to convert those clients down the road.

You can use LinkedIn’s organic search to get those attendees or you can put up an ad to target people in specific locations. You can send out invitations for your event and this would be the best way for networking and increasing the awareness of your brand.

5. Use hashtags to get discovered

“What is a hashtag?”

According to the digital marketing agency a “hashtag is the name given to the word or set of words prefixed by the symbol #. It is used on many social media platforms where hashtags help categorize tweets or posts on particular topics. This helps people find all the posts related to a particular topic easily and in one place.”


There are several professional benefits to using hashtags, from growing your network to connecting with potential clients. It’s easy to connect with people when you have something in common – whether that is a profession, a hobby, a personal interest or sport activity. It grows your connection. This would also be the best way to get connected to our new followers.


Help prospects find you

What’s better than finding the perfect client! It’s easy to prospect on social media, you can learn a lot about your clients before your first meeting from their profile information and it’s a new way to constantly stay connected and communicate with clients.

6. Upload video

To make the most of LinkedIn, stand out from your peers, and quickly capture the attention of the people who are making decisions about you, add your words with pictures – moving pictures .Video allows you to provide a complete communication, thereby making a better first impression – one much closer to being there in person. The first impression that you deliver has moved online – along with much of your other communications – so video has become more important and more valuable.


There’s so much opportunity out there on LinkedIn so just go out and explore the world of LinkedIn community. This platform gives you a chance to connect, grow and transform your business.Invest time and hyper-focus on those people that matter most to you. Go through an article and comment constructively, add value to the conversation, share your knowledge and be consistent. We assure you, it will pay off in big dividends.

It has become crucial for every business to not miss this and start connecting now! Stay connected with us for more such blogs.

Amjad Desai

I’m a friendly digital marketing consultant from India, living in UAE. You’ll usually find me talking about productivity, marketing, social media, technology, automation, and life in general. I run Synclarity along with a friend. We’re a inbound digital marketing agency that help businesses deliver measurable results