July 16, 2019 Saloni Piplani

Sonic Branding – The Future Of Marketing



While creating a brand identity most of the companies focus more on visuals than sounds. This is expected since the easiest way to imagine a brand is by visualizing logos, their defined colors, and even popular marketing materials.

The problem is, most companies haven’t thought about what their brand sounds like. And with audio scaling to new heights – many marketers believe Voice to be the Future of Marketing.

Audio-based user experiences are stepping into spotlight as a recent medium. Digital Marketers cannot leave this opportunity untapped. A perfect storm seems to be roaring in audio land and only a few marketers are really paying attention to it.

Is your brand aware about this?



The future of marketing is ‘voice’.

Don’t take our word for it!

According to the Harvard Business Review, the right sounds can positively differentiate a brand by creating customer preference, improving recall, and building trust. The rise of voice-connected devices like Alexa and Google Home proves this fact.

Music has the power to create strong emotional reactions in people. So defining a brand’s audio personality is critical because one wrong note could be the difference between a customer who is happy and engaged with a brand, and one who switches off. This is where Sonic branding comes into picture.

What is Sonic Branding?

Sonic branding is the strategic use of audio and music by marketers to enhance the brand recognition and enrich customer experience.

An audio can make your brand more powerful.


It sounds interesting, right?

Let’s see how it works. Audio surrounds us all the time, be it your alarm when you wake up in the morning or a pop-up notification that can be heard all the time. In a similar manner your brand can be heard too. Sonic branding will make sure that your organisation is not just seen but also ‘heard’.

It is an incredible way to build a brand with audio and music that goes perfectly with your brand attributes. In coming time, people will buy their products on a voice-first device. A sonic brand is not merely a jingle. Although a jingle or an “audio logo” might be a part of your Sonic branding strategy.

Think about Microsoft Windows startup sound. That’s called MOGO– short form for Musical Logo. It is the sonic essence of a brand in musical terms and evokes its core values, emotions and persona. Now you would be wondering why your brands need a MOGO. Brands without an ‘audio tag’ will be irrelevant in future, so give your brand a voice of its own.

After all, we are talking about your business. And you should always be the first mover when it comes to marketing trends.

Let your brand be heard!


Your brand needs the sound that can be played at every single touchpoint. It should appear whenever you have a chance to connect with your customers through audio. For instance, you’d play your sonic logo at the beginning and end of a podcast. You might add it to your live streams and broadcasts on social media or put it in your television ads. A great example of the same is the podcast by Marketing Genius – Seth Godin – Akimbo!

Just imagine every single moment when your target audience hears your brand, it provides a great opportunity to your MOGO to make an impression. So, it is crucial for your brand to be sonically consistent across these consumer earpoints.

If you want to be prepared for the Sonic branding revolution, the key question you need to be able to answer at the end is “What does your brand sound like?”