May 15, 2019 Amjad Desai

4 Steps to Structure a Marketing Video that drives sale

Videos make communication between you and your audience easier and stronger. Data suggests, 2.38 billion people watch, stream or download video across all devices and more than three-quarters of it use a mobile device to do so.

So, if you want your audience to like, share and spend a longer time on your content, you should consider videos as an essential part of your marketing strategy.

As humans, we are emotional beings rather than rational. What we subconsciously feel about something or someone plays an integral role in our buying decision. If asked to recall the last good video ad that you saw, you would remember your emotional reaction to it and not the nuts and bolts of the sales pitch. Stories that your audience connects to matter more than the product/service you are selling.

According to a survey by Headstream, around 79% of individuals are positive about the brands that tell stories. However, out of them, only 64% believe that the brands are telling stories the right way. The survey also found out that 15% of an audience make an immediate purchase after watching videos while 55% do that eventually.

It is therefore essential to understand the structure of a video to evoke the right emotional reaction.

In a small gist; any good marketing video is made up of

  • The Opener
  • The Problem
  • The Solution
  • The Call to Action

1.The Opener
The opener should be immediate and attention-grabbing that compels your audience to keep watching. Because if it isn’t, your viewer wouldn’t stay for more than 5 seconds or sometimes even lesser, to watch the video. The opener not only acts as a hook but also sets the tone of the video. Spark curiosity in your viewer’s mind with a mystery or ask a question to make them stay till the end to discover the answer.The_Opener-1

The key to a good opener is an emotional appeal. Before making your video, define the emotional goal you seek to achieve. Once the emotional goal is clear, think how you will achieve this in the first 5 seconds of your video. Will you immediately identify your audience’s pain points? or Will you use a protagonist who is relatable? Or some stats? Or maybe a piece of music that connects instantly?

Again, there multiple ways to evoke emotion. Surprise, excite and connect by striking the right chord early to deepen the emotional bond between your audience and you as instantly as one can.

2.The Problem
Why should the audience care?

Once you have hooked your audience, address the primary purpose of the video. The problem your product/service solves. Be clear, concise and direct in stating the problem – this builds your authority as a brand that truly understands your customer’s dilemma.


  • Does your product/service solve the problem for the user?
  • Why is the problem so significant?
  • How is it affecting your audience daily?
  • Why should they care?

You need to answer all these in your video script because if you don’t, the next stage of providing a solution will fall full flat. So make your viewers realise the problem and then give them the Solution.

You can also evoke aspiration. Show your audience a better world which they can be a part of through your service.

3. The Solution & why you?
Consumers are in the market for products that either helps them resolve their problem, or makes their life easier. The viewer’s emotional connection should pay off as the story arc comes to its conclusion.

When making the video, you have to get the viewer to imagine that they are using it. Put them in the picture. When you describe the benefits of your product show the audience clearly what they can expect in return for their investment. You need to appeal to what your audience wants and show them how your product/service fulfils their needs.


Also, present your features in a clear, direct and easy-to-understand manner. Stick to the facts that your prospects care about rather than going into the details. Once you’ve laid the Solution out, it’s time to serve the USP.

Your brand has numerous domestic and international competitors. The USP of product/service answers the most critical question: “Why should I pick you from the rest?” Every product/service should have a unique selling point that separates it from the rest. It’s the critical feature of your product and proves why you’re the brand they should trust.

4. The Call to Action
The last piece that makes a video script complete is a Call-to-Action. Not putting a good CTA can be an expensive mistake as it leaves the audience hanging. A good video might fall flat if you are not sure about what you want your audience to do next – missing your ultimate goal for creating the video.


Your CTA defines your customer’s journey with an actionable reaction like:
a) to schedule an intro call,
b) provide a phone number
c) book a free appointment
d) visit your website to learn more


Provide them with the website and social media links, contact information, or lure them in with a limited time discount offer.

Stay focused on enabling one single, specific action. Don’t try to get the like, follow, share, subscribe, and pre-order all at once. Ask just one of those things to avoid clutter and confusion.

Creating a convincing story that establishes your brand doesn’t come easy. Tell your story first and then sell the product/service. Ensure your message is clear and easy to follow and provides value to the audience while prompting an emotional response. Communicate in a way that creates a lasting impression. Once the trust is built, an increase in customer engagement and conversions will come your way.

If you have any suggestions, please drop us a mail at [email protected]

Amjad Desai

I’m a friendly digital marketing consultant from India, living in UAE. You’ll usually find me talking about productivity, marketing, social media, technology, automation, and life in general. I run Synclarity along with a friend. We’re a inbound digital marketing agency that help businesses deliver measurable results