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Upcoming Whatsapp Trends to Look Out For!

Since the time Whatsapp was acquired by Facebook; we have seen a constant surge of changes every now and then. There have been so many changes to everyone’s favourite messaging app that it’s easy to lose count.

Earlier you were only allowed to share text, photos, videos and animated GIFs on WhatsApp Status. But now there’s so much more.

Read on to discover upcoming features that might be great for your marketing strategy. 

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Understand Human Behavior to Succeed in Business!

As a consumer, have you ever been in a position where you didn’t really ‘need’ a product, but after it is pitched to you – you now have a feeling of ‘want’ for it?

Have you ever wondered how does that happen?

Sales & Marketing depends on the human psyche as that plays a greater role besides other basic marketing factors.

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Know thy Customer!

The key ingredient behind every successful sale is effective communication. This is where one needs to know and relate to their consumers! Each human acts and thinks in a different way, but the basic way to relate to them and convert them into a customer is more or less the same.

Businesses can build trust, retain the loyalty of the consumers and have long-term relationships with other businesses by knowing them better!

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Inbound Marketing: The missing piece in your Marketing Strategy

Every now and then, as a business owner, we often wonder that my potential customers are online. But they don’t know that my business can help them achieve their goal.

So how do you market to them and get them to reach out to you online!
How do you turn strangers into customers?
Apart from spending money into Ads – how can I get to my target audience?

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Google Ranking Now based on Our Emotions

Did you ever think, Google is tracking your reactions while surfing through the web pages? How would it be if the search result ranking would be based on people’s satisfaction reaction? Will Google be using Biometric Parameters for ranking in the near future?

A newly published Google patent application describes technology that would modify scoring and ranking of query results using Biometric Parameters of user satisfaction or negative engagement with a search result.

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