June 3, 2019 Amjad Desai

Accelerate your business growth with Video Content

We live in the digital age, where attracting online attention has become increasingly competitive. However, thanks to the advancements in technology, marketing approaches, strategies, our tools have evolved, giving us new and better ways to reach and engage with our customers.

One of the fastest growing mediums this year is Video Content. In our blog, we go through stats that prove video content is not only useful in the Top of the funnel but also help in driving sales and are great for customer retention. Video content isn’t just nice-to-have;It is a must for all stages of the buying journey.


Because 90% of a buying decision is made before consumers contact your sales team.

And as for B2B buyers and researchers, 72% of them watch video content to make buying decisions. And not just a few snippets here and there, almost half of them watch at least 30 minutes of content, according to Google research. Video tutorials, reviews, and ads are the primary source of information for them, and if you can leverage these channels at all different stages of the B2B buyer’s journey, you can lead them towards a purchase.


Before you start making videos, it’s essential to know why is it making all the difference. Video content combines both interactivity and authenticity. They are more expressive than static words. The success of written content is highly dependent on someone investing their time to read it, unlike videos, that are less demanding of our cognitive capabilities.

Think about it, when presented with an option to read a book and watch a movie adapted from the same, what would you choose?

Most of us will flock to the theatre to watch the movie. Reason? It’s fast to consume.

It’s not that text-based content doesn’t matter anymore, but Video content gives you a chance to convey the message in a more engaging manner. Video content appeals emotionally to your prospects. With video content, you let your customers know that you’re human too, excited about what you are doing, and most importantly, enthusiastic about helping them.

Even the marketing experts from HubSpot say, that when people are given both text and Video on the same page to consume, 72% will watch the Video instead of reading the text.

This says it all!

Here we have listed down the reasons of how videos can help you accelerate your business growth:

1. Boost your digital marketing efforts with Video Content
Closing a B2B sale online means engaging your prospects at various touchpoints that include your website, social media, and blogs. All these efforts can be even more effective when combined with videos.



Here’s How:

  • On Social media, users engage with Video Content more than any other content format.
  • On Facebook, videos content reach an average of 135% more people than just photos.
  • Marketing emails when sent out with a subject line having the word “video” increase the clickthrough rate up to 300%.
  • Using the word ‘video’ in your blog title can help increase the number of people who click on it to read.
  • Adding Video content to your web page significantly increases its search engine ranking and is more effective than keyword rich pages.
  • Optimized YouTube videos rank higher on Google search results.

Since the consumer has prioritized Video content over text and static images, the web algorithms have done it too. If you don’t get on board with the trend, you might land at the bottom.

85% of people have said that they look forward to more videos from the brands. The consumers have a thirst for information, so we feed that thirst via telling them stories with pictures in motion to make their journey exciting and engaging.

The good part is that the quality is not the priority right now. You don’t need fancy videos shot on professional cameras. There needs to be information that is relatable to the viewer. In fact, behind the scenes, making of, tutorials and how to videos all make for interesting pieces to consume.

2. Video Advertising is Growing on LinkedIn
In 2017, the go-to social media platform for all B2B professionals – LinkedIn, introduced the concept of Native Videos. This feature allows people to upload videos on LinkedIn like Facebook directly and not just share through platforms like Vimeo or YouTube. This move is a big game changer for B2B marketers. Considering the success of Video content, now brands can target other businesses on LinkedIn quite effectively and expand their reach.


And this is not it. LinkedIn has finally increased the privilege of businesses by giving them the option for video ads in sponsored content and ads. You can now target your email contacts on LinkedIn or discover new prospects by targeting a specific job title, industry, skillset, or company name.

By educating other businesses about your services and skills with Video on LinkedIn, you’re preventing from getting lost in marketing jargons and clichés. With videos, you remove any confusion that your prospects might have about your brand and the benefits of your products/services.


3. Video Content Make Boring Stuff Shine
A lot of people have this notion that B2B products/services fall into the realm of being boring. But there’s a story behind every product or service that you offer and why you offer it, and with Video Content, you can bring these stories to life. Build a real image of your brand. Try a combination of creative content and keep an eye on the analytics to see what is working for your target audience.

The B2B video marketing scene is still new, but it’s no longer uncommon. Don’t be scared to stand out and create unique content. Enthusiasm and happiness are infectious, so harness that passion which you have for your business and show it to the people.

Here’s an example of how Slack – a software for messaging has generated over 1 million views with its “So Yeah, We Tried Slack” video campaign.



4. Target Different Customers with Personalised Videos
When creating videos was expensive, businesses have to restrict themselves and create only a few videos that target a large section of the audience. However, with the decrease in costs of video production – a business can produce specific video campaigns for different buyer personas that can be targeted at them depending upon their profession, position, gender, interests, and the problems they are looking to solve. The more specific your target, the better conversion results you are bound to get.

Here’s how Upwork used this strategy in its “Hey World” campaign, where they entertainingly target different personas and their pain points.



There are so many benefits of using Video in your content strategy that if you miss it, you are literally leaving money on the table!

So what’s holding you back? Get your marketing, content and production team rolling and churn out as much shareable video content as you can!

Amjad Desai

I’m a friendly digital marketing consultant from India, living in UAE. You’ll usually find me talking about productivity, marketing, social media, technology, automation, and life in general. I run Synclarity along with a friend. We’re a inbound digital marketing agency that help businesses deliver measurable results